premiere Heroine’s Journey Healing Programs™ for Ambitious Women.

Heroine’s Journey Healing Programs™ are the premiere system guiding you through the inner healing of your Mother Wound, other childhood traumas and unmet needs, and the Patriarchy Core Wound™, that you need to heal and transform your life, so you can return to your innate wholeness and connection to the Sacred Feminine within yourself, and with the Divine, and live fully present as yourSelf, embodying your Sovereign Feminine Soul™. Through working with me in these programs, you will be guided along the Feminine Path of creation. Heroine’s Journey Healing Programs™ contain the missing hidden steps you need so you can achieve your new biggest dreams, and ultimately transform the world through your soul-level work, as you are uniquely meant to do. They are open by application to accomplished, spiritually-attuned women anywhere in the world, since I work with clients virtually.


I. Healing Your Mother Wound, Healing Your Heart
II. Freeing the Heroine Within

Healing your Inner child will transform your life

These are the two premiere Heroine’s Journey Healing Programs™ that will deeply heal and transform your life, so you can live fully in the present, and feel inner security and peace with your childhood, contentment, love and secure connection in your relationships, and confidence you can achieve your biggest goals.

In these beginning Heroine’s Journey Healing Programs™, I will guide you in healing the unmet childhood needs, and unhealed childhood traumas you carry inside.

In Section One, Healing Your Mother Wound, Healing Your Heart, we focus on healing your Mother Wound. Women experience this injury when their earliest childhood needs for nurturance, protection and guidance by their mothers, were not well met. While not every woman experiences the Mother Wound, it is very prevalent. In fact, as many as 50% of women carry this injury from childhood into their adult lives. If you have experienced the Mother Wound, it must be healed first, because the secure primary bond between mother and child, which is damaged when women’s needs in early childhood are not met, is a foundation for healing other childhood traumas, and all further growth.

Section Two is Freeing the Heroine Within. In this program, we focus on healing other unmet childhood needs and traumas through further stages of your growing up years. These often come from direct traumatic experiences you had as a child. They can also be imprinted from the unspoken culture and emotional climate of your childhood home, community, church or cultural environment, including gender role patterning and imprinting, the way your parents interacted with each other, AND generational traumatic memories that are transmitted through your DNA. All of these contribute to the inner prison that women experience, resulting from the Patriarchy Core Wound™. Research shows the frequent long-standing and significant limiting impact of unhealed childhood and other trauma for women, even long into our adult lives. (1, 2)

Healing your Inner Child of the Mother Wound and other childhood unmet needs and traumas of the Patriarchy Core Wound™ opens the doorway to fulfilling your biggest dreams. You will become free, and feel safe to live and love in the present as your True Self, with more peace, balance and resiliency to stressors and challenges in your life now. You will be less triggered, and have personal resources and self-care practices to support yourself in staying present and balanced, better able to respond with peace and love even when others are reacting from their own wounds. Your marriage can become closer and more emotionally intimate, with more substantive partnership. Your relationships with your children and grandchildren will grow, and become closer and more enjoyable for everyone, as you increase your ability to be attuned and emotionally present to them, in healthy ways.

You will become empowered to change the legacy for your daughters and granddaughters, and your mother-line, as you stop the Mother Wound from being passed on in your family. And you will feel safe to move forward with increased confidence, clarity and ease, in bringing to the world the unique gifts and work that you are being uniquely prepared to bring.

All of these and more are the ways that women’s lives are healed and transformed when they heal their Mother Wound, and other childhood trauma.

Healing Your Mother Wound, Healing Your Heart, and Freeing the Heroine Within are open by application to any ambitious, accomplished, spiritually-sensitive woman who feels a resonance with this work, and is ready to claim this healing and joy for herself.

Blond woman in her 50's who has completed SOULShift, standing on a bridge.


The Healing that Changes Everything

The premiere Heroine’s Journey Healing Program™ guiding ambitious women to heal that ONE thing holding you back from fulfilling your new dreams.

Achieving your new dreams in a new stage of life, requires stepping into and becoming the Highest Version of you – reclaiming your Sovereign Feminine Soul™. Doing so requires crossing over a bridge and thresh-hold to healing what disconnected you from fully embodying and living as your True Self.

You continue your Heroine’s Journey by finding and healing that one trauma and element of the Patriarchy Core Wound™ that is the lynch pin holding you back from fully living as your True Self. Healing this wound that binds you is like unraveling a big knot, that once unraveled, frees you to continue on your Heroine’s Journey and achieve your new dream. This new dream you Desire is there for you to claim, as you rise into and embody your highest Self.

SOULShift is an advanced Heroine’s Journey Healing Program™. It is open by application to women who are approaching or beyond the age of fifty, and is ideal for any accomplished, ambitious, sensitive, high-achieving woman who has previously attained initial healing of her Mother Wound and childhood trauma. She may have begun healing other issues of the Patriarchy Core Wound™. She knows she is meant for more in a new stage of her life, and is ready to step out of the struggle and fully embody her Highest Self and Sovereign Feminine Soul™, so she can bring her life’s Great Work to full fruition.

1. Bassell Van Der Kolk, MD, The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma. Random House. 2014.
2. ACES Science 101.