Rebirthing Joy: Is Healing the Mother Wound the End of Your Heroine's Journey?

Woman with long dark hair dancing

I write and teach a lot about healing – specifically healing the Mother Wound, healing childhood trauma and healing relationships. As important and crucial as the phase of healing is for our Heroine’s Journeys, healing alone is not the ultimate destination. Transformation alone is not even the ultimate destination. Important and crucial as they are, they are steps and developmental markers we seek to realize on our Journeys.

More than healing, more than transformation, certainly more than transcendence, we seek fully embodied wholeness and joy. We seek living in wholeness, in our bodies, our 3-D world and in our relationships. We seek to know and be ourselves as whole and complete and fully developed, perfectly ripe as the unique Beings we are created to become. And we seek to realize this in our physical bodies – the physical raw material of the stuff of creation.

This is our full Heroine’s Journeys across the grand arc of transmigration of our Souls. So, healing is an important phase in this lifetime, but not the ultimate destination. Wholeness and becoming fully developed are.

This is why I love the Jewish women’s holiday of Tu b’Av. The 15 of the Hebrew month Av arrives in the Wheel of the Year at the end of summer, as summer is turning to autumn. We’ve come through the hot, hard months of Tammuz and early Av when the season is hot with the sun physically and energetically. It’s been a season of ripening and early harvest, also a season of remembering sorrows and losses, and feeling losses once again; these months are a season of mourning and also motivation for seeking change and healing within ourselves, in our relationships, our communities and collective, generational memories. In July/Tammuz, when the Sun is in Cancer the sign of the Mother, we are invited to see our loved ones through the eyes of love, and while supported by Divine Love, to also clearly see the pain that is not yet healed.

Then in August/Av, as the Sun enters Leo, the sign of the lion, we are invited to courageously step further into our journey of healing, including collective generational healing of world traumas.

In the middle of Av, the lion of Av shows us how. We move from “grieving … to claiming our own lion selves.” (1). We do this by remembering who we really are. We remember our wholeness, our holiness, and our divinity. We tune in deep within and connect with the Truth of who we Really Are so we can connect with the courage of our inner lioness. Leo is also the sign of the playful child, who enters this life with wonder, openness and trust. The lion guides us to live from our hearts with courage, openness and trust, and to let the light of our True Selves shine in the world.

On the August Full Moon, Tu b’Av is the day we are energetically and spiritually supported by the Divine to turn from the past to the future, and embrace our freedom to courageously discover it and playfully co-create it. So from time immemorial, women dressed in white, have gathered together on Tu b’Av to turn to the future and sing and dance it into being, in the light of the Full Moon. We move forward on our Journeys of remembering wholeness. We courageously and playfully choose love. We choose life and we rebirth joy, because we know that from the ashes of grief, stepping beyond healing, that love, reconnection and joy can be reborn.

So as you move through the seasons of healing the Mother Wound, other childhood traumas or sorrow and grief in your life, remember the Truth of Who You Really Are, connect with your inner lioness and choose life, choose love and choose joy once again.

If you feel drawn to a healing journey in this season of your life, and would like to know how I can assist you in healing your Mother Wound, click here to learn more about Healing Your Mother Wound, Healing Your Heart.

(1) Jill Hammer. The Jewish Book of Days. Pg.365.

© 19 August 2024 / 15 Av 5784. Full Moon in Aquarius.
Debra Brown Gordy, MS MRET and The Sophia Women’s Institute, LLC.
All Rights Reserved.

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