Energy Healing

for accomplished, spiritually-attuned women in their prime

All of you is welcome here.

The successful, accomplished side of you that the world sees, and the inner private side that only you and your closest loved ones and friends see - including the parts of you that may feel vulnerable, or deeply searching or questioning. No matter your background, your ethnicity, race, faith or religion, gender or sexual orientation, marital status, or your journey with these parts of yourself, you are warmly welcome here.

In seasons of searching and significant changes, we need a caring and safe place to question, to look deeply at ourselves, our lives and our relationships. We need to feel heard and understood, and to be both lovingly seen and kindly challenged by someone who gets us and believes in our potential, so that we can continue growing and fulfilling our Soul’s purpose on our Heroine’s Journeys - especially if we are at one of the women’s crossroads in life.

Beyond a therapist, we need a mentor and guide, someone who is walking the Journey ahead of us, and can shine a light supporting us on ours.

The Sophia Women’s Institute is lovingly created to be that place, and I have spent decades on the Journey, so that I can be that therapist, mentor and guide for you.

Do you relate?

You absolutely know you’re meant for more love, joy & fulfillment.
You feel it deep in your bones like an inner restlessness and hunger that won’t be silenced. You may sense that in some other time and place you made agreements that your Soul won’t let you forget. Yet with all you have accomplished to this point in your life, and all you have done to achieve that more, it still eludes you.

Something inside you, that you cannot see, is blocking you or holding you back.

Welcome to The Sophia Women's Institute

guiding women to Heal Childhood Trauma and their mother wound ~ the missing links to deeply embodied wholeness and joy, soul-satisfying love and fulfilling your highest potential.

You can finally:

  • Heal from childhood wounds, heal other relationship traumas including past-life trauma, generational trauma, or trans-dimensional trauma, so you can transform your life.

  • Heal the biggest core wounds of all, the Mother Wound and Patriarchy Core Wound™, that have held you back from living fully embodied as yourSelf, and the full joy, love and highest level contribution you know you are meant for.

When trauma is healed, you will finally be freed to:

  • Feel deepened peace within yourself, and create peace in your relationships

  • Gain expanded freedom and confidence to become all you are meant to be

  • Manifest your deepest Desires and fulfill your highest-level Soul Purpose for this life, including:

    Creating soul-satisfying love and deepened partnership in your marriage
    Deeply healing from your divorce
    Remarrying a new love of your life,
    after divorce
    Fulfilling the Dream that is uniquely yours.

Absolutely Love Being You!

My unique Heroine’s Journey Energy Healing programs are specifically and lovingly created to meet your needs as an accomplished, spiritually-attuned woman, and guide you through your unique Journey to the achievement of your new dreams and fulfilling your Soul-level work ~ your Soul’s Highest Calling in this lifetime.

You will be guided, supported, inspired, empowered, transformed and freed to become your Highest Self. You will be guided to spread your wings and soar to a deepened level of embodied wholeness, flourishing in your personal life and marriage, toward the fulfillment of your highest potential ~ and the joy that will make your woman’s heart sing.

Discover the pathways to Freedom

Transform Your Life

Close-up of woman with long blond hair and a straw hat smiling and looking to the right as she walks in the sunlight

Transform Your Marriage

Hispanic couple in their 50's smiling and looking into the camera with trees in the background
Macro of a purple crocis beginning to open, with the quote "I'll help you heal hidden traumas and the Mother Wound, so you can create the Soul-satisfying life you love."

Inspiring Client Heroine Stories
from other accomplished women

Yvonne Went Through a Painful Divorce.
She is Now the Author of Several Best-sellers,
and Married to the Love of Her Life.

Happy Smiling woman transformed her life

Yvonne wanted to use the experience of her divorce as a catalyst for soul-level healing for herself and her family. She also wanted a fulfilling new career that makes a difference in the world and provides well for her children. Through our depth energy healing work together Yvonne healed from her divorce, and healed and became free from a generational pattern of domestic abuse.

She found that telling her story inspired other women with hope, that they can heal and transform their lives, too. Today, she is an author of several best-sellers, relating true stories of personal triumph and transcendence.

Along her journey, she met and married the man who is meant to be her life partner in every sense, and they have a beautiful sacred partnership. The pattern of domestic violence is truly released from her life. Yvonne is radiantly happy and fulfilled, doing the Work she feels called to do, with the partner of her dreams by her side.

After Years of Struggle, Lisa Finally Has Peace, Happiness and a Fulfilling New Career.

3 Happy Women in a Women's Gathering

Lisa had struggled for over 10 years to create a more fulfilling life. She had been in conventional counseling, holistic life coaching, gone through a specific trauma treatment and had even tried business and executive coaching. Yet Lisa still felt stuck, when she began working with me.

She states, “If I had not worked with you Debra, I would still be stuck where I was before. I would still be in conflict with my husband. I would still be personally unhappy, in a corporate position that paid well, but was deadening to my soul. I don’t think anything would have changed without working with you, since I had been stuck for decades.”

”Working with Debra is so much better and faster than traditional methods, it is almost shocking! You can talk until you are blue in the face about your feelings and reactions, and it changes them a little. Working with Debra just deletes them completely,”

Helene was a Rancher by Family Necessity,
a Musician in Her Soul. Her Dream Was to Create a Children’s Music School.

Loving couple transformed their marriage

Helene gave up a promising career as a singer to run the family ranch. Even though it broke her heart, she did it; she was the oldest of 6 girls and always the one to help when her father called.

After years of hard work, she had turned the operation around and it was thriving. Her family was also thriving. But Helene was exhausted and burned out. In her late 40’s, she didn’t know how she would ever be able to reclaim her dream, and felt soul-sick from the loss.

Through our work together, Helene healed from the years of exhaustion, and the trauma and generations of abuse in her family line. Despite her father’s objections, she found a way to delegate more of the daily operation to a ranch manager, and began reclaiming her personal life. With her parents’ passing the ranch was sold, and Helene founded a music school for children. Her musical dream was reborn, and Helene is vibrantly joyful, fulfilled and passionately alive with purpose.

Debra Brown Gordy in a pink jacket, smiling and looking straight at the camera with sunlight on trees in a garden with a fountain in the background

I’m Debra Brown Gordy, a former relationship therapist who trained at one of the best Marriage and Family Therapy graduate programs in the US. Beginning in my late 30’s, I had a series of spiritual experiences that profoundly healed my own life of childhood and relationship trauma. After 2 divorces, I’ve been happily married to my Beloved for over 30 years.

Those experiences and a passionate quest to be able to facilitate similar profound healing for other women, led me into the field of Energy Healing. For over 20 years now, I’ve been bridging the worlds of depth healing, women’s spirituality, metaphysics and timeless Western Wisdom Traditions, as I guide ambitious, accomplished women in their prime to heal their inner child of their Mother Wound and other traumas, so they can have peace with their childhoods, feel deeply embodied inner security and happiness, and create greater harmony, connection, and soul-satisfying love and partnership in their marriages, and ultimately fulfill their Soul’s highest purpose for this lifetime, without taking years, or reliving all the pain.

I'll guide you to find, heal and release the hidden inner childhood traumas and core wounds that you cannot see, so you can cross that gap and awaken your innate feminine spiritual power to create your flourishing life ~ exactly as you Desire it. I guide ambitious, accomplished, emotionally and spiritually sensitive women to discover and manifest the increased joy, love and highest, soul-level contribution that is latent within you and waiting to be birthed ~ the fulfillment that satisfies your Soul's hunger and makes your heart sing with joy.

Energy Healing Makes Lasting, Deep healing of trauma and core wounds real, accessible and Attainable.

The fulfillment of your new dreams and heart’s deepest Desires is possible for you. The hidden barriers that you cannot see, that block you from achieving your new dreams can be discovered, with energy therapy and spiritual life coaching. Even more importantly, they can be healed and released with my signature approach of Depth Energy Healing™. It has been my professional quest and mission to discover resources and means that can make this Soul-level healing and transformation reliably accessible. My Energy Psychology research-grounded specialty programs contain the synthesis of my 30+ year quest. You can finally discover and heal the hidden traumas and core wounds holding you back from all you are meant to have, do and be in your life. And you can go beyond healing, to finally fulfill your hunger for deeply embodied love and joy, and the fulfillment of your Soul’s Highest Calling ~ that thing you promised you would do, that your Soul won’t let you forget, and the Heroine within you hungers to fulfill.

The Cost of Waiting is High.
Waiting to heal the invisible Mother Wound, other childhood traumas, or the Patriarchy Core Wound™, and saying yes to fulfilling the deep hunger you feel inside for more, to saying yes to fulfilling the calling of your Soul, and the fulfillment of your Heart's Desires have high costs. Among them:

  • Continuing to stay stuck in the current status quo of your life, for months, or even years.

  • Depression, living your life without joy, without the love that will make your woman’s heart sing, without deepened meaning and purpose, without feeling like you ever fully lived.

  • Living with a deep sorrow and hurt in your heart, that doesn’t go away, no matter what you do.

  • Distance, conflict, disconnect, and feeling essentially alone with the people who matter most to you, when what you really want is to let them into your heart, and feel closeness, harmony, love, trust and connection.

  • Not living up to your full potential. Living your life according to other people’s ideas about who you are, what you are capable of, and what you should do with your life.

  • Regret about not doing that Great Thing or fulfilling the soul-level work, that only you can do, or not leaving the legacy that only you can leave.

  • Failing other people. Disappointment in yourself about not serving the people whose lives you promised to transform through your gifts.

    Time is the only non-renewable resource we have. Every passing day is a day that you will never have again to say yes to the deep hunger for more inside of you, to the calling of your Soul, the fulfillment of your Heart's deep Desires and to leaving your legacy through the gifts that you alone can give the world.

Close up of fuscia azalias - There comes a season when it's time to heed the insistent calling of your Soul.

As a women’s energy therapist and spiritual mentor guiding spiritually-attuned, ambitious women for over 30 years, I’ve learned there comes a season in our earthly Journeys when it’s time to say yes to the insistent calling of our Souls. 

This calling from within us will not let us rest until we become a fuller expression of who we really are, our True Selves.  This inner calling will not let us rest until we create the Sacred Partnerships our Feminine hearts’ Desire.  This calling of our Souls will not let us rest until we have given our loved ones, communities, and the world the gifts that our lives’ Journeys have been uniquely preparing us to give. 

If this resonates with you and you feel an inner recognition, listen to the calling of your Soul telling you it is your time.  It is your time to heal your hidden Mother Wound, other childhood or relationship wounds, or the Patriarchy Core Wound™ inside of you, so you can come home to your innate wholeness and live feeling deeply embodied joy. It is time to respond to the awakening of your Feminine Heart; time to create the Sacred Partnership with your Beloved you have hungered for; and time to fulfill your soul-level work, and destiny as a woman ~ as only you can.

Trust your heart and take the next step.

If this resonates, trust your heart and your woman’s Inner Knowing, whispering it is your time to free your Heroine within and come home to your innate wholeness. I warmly invite you to learn more today through the pathways below.

Transform Your Life

Woman with long blonde hair, radiantly smiling and lookng to her left, as she confidently walks in the sunlight

Transform Your Marriage

Smiling Latin couple sitting close together, and smiling straight at the camera, with sunlight in trees in the background.