Debra Brown Gordy

Women’s Depth Energy healing™ Therapist
Spiritual Mentor

Debra Brown Gordy, MS MRET is a former relationship therapist from one of the top Marriage and Family Therapy graduate programs in the US.

Beginning in her late 30’s, she had a series of spiritual experiences that deeply healed and transformed her own life from childhood and relationship trauma. After 2 divorces, she has now been happily married to her Beloved for over 30 years.

Her experiences launched her on a quest to be able to facilitate similar healing for other women. A student and teacher of the inner tradition of Western Esotericism and an initiated priestess for over 40 years, now her work sits at the interface of depth healing, metaphysics, women’s spirituality and timeless Wisdom Traditions, notably Jewish Wisdom.

Debra is the creatrix of The Sophia Women’s Institute™. Her passion is to help accomplished, ambitious, spiritually-attuned women and couples in their prime to heal their Mother Wound and other childhood and relationship traumas, so they can have peace with their childhoods, feel deeply embodied inner security, wholeness and joy, and create soul-satisfying love, connection and partnership in their marriages, while making the highest-level contributions they are uniquely meant to give the world.

Debra shares inspiration and wisdom from the beginning of her own Heroine’s Journey …

You were born for joy

But through the journey of your life, you likely forgot this.  Through the journey of life, on the path of awakening to joy, to living as our True Selves in the world, to love that makes our hearts sing, and to fulfilling our Divinely-given destinies, we each first forget.

I was born to help you remember, to help you reclaim and embody it, to help you flourish in the fullest experience of a joyful life and marriage ~ to help you become the heroine you were born to be, and awaken to your Feminine Spiritual Power to heal and transform your life, create soul-satisfying love in your marriage and to fulfill your unique destiny as a woman.

I am here to guide you on your Heroine’s Journey of awakening to joy, and the fulfillment of your heart’s deep Desires.

How I Got Here:  My Journey of Awakening

Debra Brown Gordy, MS MRET, Founder of The Sophia Women's Institute.

In 1988, I completed my clinical Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family (MFT) from one of the top three MFT training programs in the country at the time.   I became a relationship therapist because I discovered my calling to help women, couples and families heal and create happy, thriving marriages and families.   I loved providing therapy!

I discovered this calling in part through my own experiences with marriage and sadly, divorce.  The year before I started graduate school, the man I was married to at the time left me and our two young daughters for a gay relationship.  We previously sought professional help, and greatly benefited personally, but the marriage he and I had was not secure, and we divorced.

Nonetheless, my life personally was powerfully changed through that early experience with therapy, and I had a spiritual experience of receiving a “calling” to help other women and couples in this way.  While in graduate school, my areas of greatest interest and passion quickly became:

  • Helping women figure out how to be happy, and getting over the hurts and injuries we so often carry with us from our childhoods, past experiences and relationships.

  • Working with couples to create the happy, lasting marriages men and women both yearn for.

  • Helping women heal from divorce.

Divorce recovery became the topic of my graduate research, and the ground-breaking original research I did was published in 1990.  (Adjustment of Women Married to Homosexual Men: An Exploratory Study, The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 18, No. 3, Fall 1990; pg. 273-284).    

As I was completing the research, I was spiritually guided in creating my first specialty program for women.   Entitled When Your Husband Comes Out of the Closet, it was designed to help women divorcing gay men acknowledge, validate and heal their experiences and inner wounds.  My thesis research unveiled these wounds for divorced women, and my first women's specialty program opened the way for healing them.   

Upon graduation, I returned with my two daughters to my home town in Colorado, and quickly established a busy and successful practice as a Marriage and Family Relationship Therapist, continuing with my passions to work with women and couples.

I also remarried.  With everything I had learned and could now do for others, and how much I had personally grown and changed, on that wedding day I had full confidence that my second marriage would be happy, secure and thriving.

I could not have been more wrong.

Within just three and a half short years, I was divorced again.  The first divorce was painful and hard.  The second time I was devastated, in part because I had pulled out all the stops and done everything I knew professionally, plus gone into myself and drawn from deep spiritual resources for healing and transformation to do everything I could to heal and save my second marriage ~ all to no avail.

In deep prayer and meditation, I went to the mountain, so to speak, for answers and direction, and I was given them.  Among other things, I was told that this experience was in part to prepare me for the work I was yet to do.

I was also given a "magic question" that forever changed the course of my life 7 career.

As I asked this question, I literally felt the Heavens stand still and focus on me, and immediately felt answers, connections and insights come rushing to me, and very soon thereafter, additional healing resources, knowledge, training opportunities and skills.

Through asking this magic question, and receiving the answers I was given, God began guiding me to expand beyond the conventional world of Marriage and Family Therapy, into the work that I now do as a women’s Depth Energy Healing™ therapist and Spiritual Mentor, empowering women to heal and transform their lives, heal from divorce, create fulfilling and joyful marriages, and ultimately to fulfill their own destinies. 

In asking the magic question, (which you can discover and ask for yourself, here) I also took my next major steps into awakening to who I really am, what I am called to do in the world, and the bigger spiritual and other resources and power by which to do it.

That was over thirty years ago. 

Debra Brown Gordy & her Beloved on their wedding day.

Today, I am grateful every day that I am now happily married to a man who adores me.  We have been married for over 30 years, and have 4 awesome and outstanding grown children, and 6 beautiful grandchildren.

I now gratefully experience the happiness and personal joy, love and fulfillment that I so deeply desired for so many years. 

Along the way of my own journey, I have continued helping other women and couples.  I have learned what it really takes to awaken and live as your True Self, to reclaim your joy and fulfill your heart’s deep Desires for love in your marriage, and how to help other women to do the same.

Why Remembering Your Joy Matters 

Each of us came to this life with a certain, specific Soul Blueprint and mission.  Our Soul Blueprint includes our gifts, strengths and talents,  and the knowledge and wisdom we bring with us.  Our Soul Blueprint also includes the lessons we came to learn and the issues, including past-life and generational patterns, we came to work out, finish, resolve and heal.  

The fulfillment of our mission is born out of the work of our Soul Blueprint - pink flowers with freen leaves 2

Just as the healing of my life, and my ability to co-create a joyful, happy marriage was a crucial step in the working out of my Soul Blueprint, and from this, then was born the Work I am called to do, so for you. 

It was my hungering for love and fulfillment and the even faint memory of once experiencing it, and my search for it, that pulled me forward on my path of both healing and transforming my life, meeting and marrying my wonderful husband, and creating the joyful marriage we have.   My hungering for love and fulfillment was the source of finding my calling with my profession, and the discovery of my destiny. 

It was remembering this faint echo of joy and love and my deep Desire to experience it again, that propelled me forward on my journey of awakening.  

So it is with you.  Joy is your birthright.  Remembering it again and reclaiming it is crucial to co-creating the fulfilling life, and joyful thriving marriage you deeply Desire in this life.  Following the path of joy and the fulfillment of your heart’s deepest Desires will also propel you forward in the fulfillment of your mission ~ your destiny.  

Remembering your joy and following your soul's hunger to experience it again requires taking your Heroine’s Journey, as you become the heroine you were born to be.

Your Heroine’s Journey    

Debra Brown Gordy, MS MRET smiling and looking at the camera, standing at the head of a forest path.

Is this easy?  Sometimes, surprisingly it is.  It can also require tremendous courage and from time to time, resolve, to step up and to say yes to your own Heroine’s Journey.

That is why we often need a guide, and that is why I am here.  I consciously committed and said yes, and embarked on my own Heroine’s Journey many years ago, and the purpose of mine in part, has been to prepare me to guide you on yours.     

Since you have found your way to The Sophia Women’s Institute, and if reading my story resonates with you, you are here for a reason.  You are a woman of destiny; a woman with something vitally important to give to the world.   First your foundation must be securely in place; your own healing, happiness and fulfillment, and for most women, the joyful, secure and lasting marriage that makes a woman’s heart sing.  This is the first phase of your Soul Work on your Heroine's Journey and from this will be born the fulfillment of your own Destiny.         

The world, beginning with your family and loved ones, are waiting for you to step up and say yes to your Heroine’s Journey.  The world, beginning with your family and loved ones, have great and urgent needs of the gifts that you are uniquely called to give.

And you have joy, love and fulfillment of your heart’s deepest Desires beyond imagining, waiting for you on the Journey.  I invite you to learn more and connect with me today to begin.

Sending you love, blessings and living water for your woman's Soul,

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Debra Brown Gordy, MS MRET

Women's Depth Energy Healing Therapist & Spiritual Mentor
 Author of the forth-coming book Cinderella Wisdom: A Heroine's Journey

On a Personal Note . . .

Yes, I’m passionate about my work, and can’t imagine ever wanting to retire! I also really love travel, and once climbed the front of a Mayan temple in Guatemala. As a lifelong musician, I came very close to choosing music as my career. I was a church organist and choir director for many years. I sing with a high calibre choral ensemble and the chorus of a symphony orchestra, and especially enjoy the French Romantic period of choral masterworks, and tight harmony vocal jazz. After Chopin and Debussy, jazz was my first musical love; I still have my dad’s original 78’s of the Big Band era. And my husband and I are Anglophiles, and enjoy watching period dramas, and British murder mysteries.

Brief summary of my education, credentials and other professional experience

  • Clinical MS degree in Marriage and Family Therapy

  • Previous Member of the Board of Directors, Colorado Association of Psychotherapists

  • Advanced Master Practitioner of Rapid Eye Technology, (MRET)

  • Advanced expertise in spiritual Energy Therapy methodologies for healing childhood and other trauma, multidimensional healing and transformation, including past-life trauma healing, earth-bound spirit trauma healing and release, discovering your soul origin, and other trans-dimensional areas of deep healing, release and renewal.

  • Member of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology.

I have been guiding women to heal from trauma and transform their lives, create soul-satisfying love in their marriages and fulfill their hearts Desires  for deepened fulfillment and meaning for over 30 years.  I have also worked for private and community agencies, including previously working as the Clinical Director for a community drug and alcohol treatment agency, the Program Director for a teen pregnancy prevention program, and a Program Specialist assisting vulnerable families with young children.

Another area of previous professional focus includes working in the field of adoption.  I have supported birth-parents and adoptive parents as an adoption specialist for adoption agencies in 3 states.  In this capacity, I have been certified as a SAFE home-study provider, and conducted home-studies for adoptive and foster families, and have advanced specialization in adoption-trauma related therapy and parenting.