It is easy to become so focused on healing that we lose sight of our larger Heroine's Journeys. Is healing the Mother Wound the completion? These are my thoughts on healing in the larger arc of the Journey of our Souls, and a beautiful Jewish Women's holiday that courageously and joyfully helps us move forward after seasons of grief and healing.
Read moreHealing the Mother Wound and Marriage: Wisdom from 30 Years of Love
Is there a link between healing the Mother Wound and your marriage? Yes! If you have an unhealed Mother Wound, it is very likely that this will be expressed in your marriage. In this post I share 4 Wisdom Lessons my Beloved and I have learned through 30 years of loving connection in our marriage. These insights and lessons go beyond conventional self-help books, or professional knowledge.
They are Wisdom that show clearly why healing the Mother Wound is the healing that changes everything, and the doorway to soul-satisfying love and partnership in your marriage.
The Return of the Light: Beginning (or Continuing) Healing Your Mother Wound Well
Attuning to the Wheel of the Year is a beautiful, natural way to live in sync and harmony with nature’s rhythms, and to draw down the seasonal energies that are meant to support you in living well through out your life. There are seasons in the annual turning of the Wheel that are especially potent for new beginnings, especially when you hunger for healing and renewal.
Imbolc is one of those seasons. As winter is beginning to end, and the earliest signs of spring are beginning to show, we can use this season prior to the Spring Equinox for self-reflection and preparation, to begin a season of healing your Mother Wound, well.
Learn about this time-honored season, and how you can use it well. Learn also about the Celtic goddess who can be a powerful archetypal source of inspiration, support and strength, championing you on, on your Heroine’s Journey.
How to Heal Your Heart of Your Mother Wound
Part II in the Healing Your Mother Wound Series.
The Mother Wound is an injury and sorrow perhaps unlike any other. It’s private and deep; many women describe it as an emptiness and aching in their heart they have felt their entire lives. It’s an injury that hurts like complicated grief that comes from carrying an unknown, hidden burden all by yourself. It’s been described as yearning for a “certain quality of love – a nurturing, safe inspiring love – the kind of love we think of as maternal love.”1
It’s an unconditional love that no friendship, romantic love or other kind of love can replace.
Healing your Mother Wound is the qualitative healing that many women seek to experience for years, even decades, even without knowing what it is that they need. All other personal and relationship healing and growth ties into this healing of our hearts, leading us to finally be prepared for it, often in our mid to late forties and beyond.
I’ve taught for years, that healing your inner child will transform your life in all areas of your life. Healing your Mother Wound is the crucial heart of this healing for countless numbers of women. This post introduces my holistic, depth-healing approach to healing your Mother Wound.
Healing your heart of this injury is the most deeply liberating and joy-filling personal work you may ever achieve in your life. It will transform your life, and transform your relationships with your spouse, children and grandchildren, and ultimately transform the legacy of your Mother Line.
Read moreHealing The Mother Wound, Healing Your Heart: What is the Mother Wound?
Welcome Spring! The Vernal Equinox is coming - a new season of renewal and rebirth - a new season to birth our deepest Desires into reality. For many women, one of our deepest, heart-felt desires we hunger to fill, is to have a joyful, loving, secure relationship with our mothers, yet many of us don't. This is a heart-ache like no other that many, many women experience.
The deep hunger for a mother's love, that many women did not receive as children, lingers on into our adult lives. This loss of a mother's nurturance, protection and guidance when a child is young is termed The Mother Wound. For many, many deep reasons, 2023 is the year of healing the Mother Wound. Though the term has been used for a while, many women don't know what the Mother Wound is, how it happens, or how common this injury is, or have a picture of what it looks like for adult women who have experienced this significant childhood injury that often has it's origin in earlier generations of our families
This post introduces the Mother Wound, and answers these questions:
What is the Mother Wound?
What does it look like?
How does it happen between mothers and daughters?
Is it possible to heal it? YES!
This post illustrates the Mother Wound by sharing the beginning of the story of two women, a mother and her daughter, whose lives have been deeply impacted by the Mother Wound. This is a portrait of what it has looked like between them, and how it began. And this is the story of the deepening of the healing of their relationship, because one of them finally comprehended the nature of this deeply painful invisible injury to their mother-daughter bond, beginning generations ago.
The Mother Wound is the relationship trauma hidden in plain sight, and it's impact in our adult lives can be profound. From our personal lives, our inner feelings about ourselves, our closest relationships, including our marriages, the way we mother, the way we presence ourselves in our work and social interactions, the friends we choose, the Mother Wound goes with us, and is passed to future generations - until women like those in this post, step up to heal it in their own lives, and be instrumental in healing and releasing it in their relationships with their children. Through this year, we'll delve deeper into all these ways that the Mother Wound impacts our adult lives as women, our marriages, our relationships with other women, and touch on how the Mother Wound affects men.
Experiencing the Mother Wound is no one's fault. We as women - mothers and daughters - are not to blame for this injury, which goes back thousands of years in our generational lines. It's a generational childhood trauma whose origin comes from many sources.
The time for healing it and freeing ourselves, our daughters and future generations, is ours, in the time in which we live, and we have profound support this year in healing this generational trauma. Doing this is one of the collective callings of our generation of women. We have the understanding, the methods and resources, the skills and the spiritual power, for doing so. In future posts, I'll be sharing more with you, about the Heroine's Journey for healing the Mother Wound for yourself, how to be instrumental in healing the Mother Wound with your children, and changing the legacy for your entire Mother line.
The season of Spring, which begins with Spring Equinox, is a beautifully abundant season of profound and lavish renewal and rebirth. The renewal of the Earth is a living witness all around us of the potential for renewal and rebirth that is within us, and within our relationships.
If this resonates for you and you think you may have experienced the Mother Wound, this is the year that healing your heart and relationships of it can open for you. Joy and love, security and peace, confidence and freedom unlike any you have ever experienced before, are the result, as abundant as the Earth's renewal at Springtime.
Learn more, including the inspirational story of the deepening of two women's Mother Wound healing journey, with this first post in a series.
2023 - The Year of Healing Your Mother Wound and Freeing Your Inner Child to Flourish
2023 is fresh with potential for healing your inner child and mother wound on a deep level.
Discover the heavenly energies that support us in 2023 for engaging in this deep inner work of healing your inner child, that will transform your life, your marriage and your family relationships forever, and empower you to change the legacy of your family line, when you receive this gift and use it well.
The Healing That Changed Everything
During the season of Winter, 2014 I began having a series of dreams. These dreams were repetitive, vivid, and felt urgent and very real. They had themes of a child being lost and found and hiding a big secret. They were unlike any I have ever had before or since, in that they seemed to begin from within my womb-space, and the openings continued during meditation.
When I think back over the last few years, about what really made a difference in my own life, in fulfilling my own Soul hunger for more love, joy, fulfillment and freedom, and moving forward with the highest-level transformational and spiritually healing work I am passionate about doing, the dreams I had that winter were clearly the turning point. They opened the door to healing the one thing in my own life, that got me moving after being stopped by fear.
This was the healing of my adoption trauma and Mother Wound.
Healing this one thing changed everything for me. . . and taught me three things on a deeper level than I had known before, through my own personal lived experience:
The importance, necessity and transformative power of finding and healing core wounds. These are the wounds underlying the center of the challenges and primary patterns that keep us living with less than the optimal joy, fulfillment, love and passion we sense we are meant for, but somehow don’t quite realize in our lives. These are the wounds that hold us back and also block us from having our highest-level impact and leaving the unique legacy we are each born to give the world.
The Mother Wound is among these wounds. It is a significant component of the Patriarchy Core Wound™. Healing our Mother Wound is often the way we begin the journey of healing and gaining freedom from the Patriarchy Core Wound™.
The crucial central need to find the story, no matter how hidden or how deep, underlying our core wounds, because it is in the story of the wounding or trauma ~ the real story that resonates in our bodies ~ that the required healing path and process is unveiled.
I had known about this issue from my early childhood before the dreams, and even done other personal work with it, and benefited in the past .But I had not found the real story of my adoption; and by the time I had the dreams, all my family members who did know, had passed on. With their passing, some might say it became impossible to learn the real story. My Soul and my body knew otherwise, and the real story of my adoption and how the Mother Wound became imprinted in my life, was unveiled to me, and with it, the pathway and power to heal it.
No matter how deep, or how hidden the wound or trauma, if you find the story, invisible roots and origin, and where it is anchored in the spirit-mind-body, lasting, profound, comprehensive healing is possible. Healing like this is the deepest, most comprehensive and life-changing healing of all, and always includes spiritual healing, which is a return to your True Self.
I have been guiding and facilitating deep healing work for other women for over 30 years, including healing their core wounds, and rarely share my own experiences of the healing journey. This story of how I was healed from the earliest childhood, past-life and generational trauma at the heart of my Mother Wound from adoption, is such a clear illustration of the power and impact of healing core wounds, that I felt to share it with you.
This story shows what is possible – for every woman. And when we find, heal and release the core wounds, including the Mother Wound, deep inside us, our lives change forever.
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