Patience, Self-mastery and Your Heroine's Journey

Some ask how faith in God fits into the bigger picture of transforming your life or marriage, and Self-realization. Readers who are familiar at all with my work, and certainly those who work with me personally know that I credit the Divine as the Creator and Author of all possibility to change, and that we gain access to the power to change and grow through faith in Jesus Christ.

This post is from a talk I gave in a Sunday worship service of the church I belong to. I share it to give you a deeper understanding from a Scriptural viewpoint of the Heroine’s Journey toward perfection and growth into becoming our True Selves, and receiving the Fullness of God.

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Beethoven & Transformation: On Singing the Ninth Symphony

Beethoven’s 9th Symphony is generally thought to be one of the greatest masterworks of the Western world. Why is it so enduringly inspiring and monumentally moving? What does Beethoven himself, and this “symphony to end all symphonies” have to tell us about transformation? Why is it that this symphony is so beloved the world over, that it has inspired movements of transformational change for nearly 200 years? How can Beethoven inspire you?

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Are Talk, Insight, Managing Your Mindset, and Radical Responsibility Enough to Transform Your Life and Manifest Your Dreams?

Is talking about what we Desire in life ~ talking about our dreams ~ and gaining insight about them enough to manifest them?    Is talk or CBT therapy, which includes a lot of developing insight about ourselves, our marriages, and how we came to be where we are in our lives enough to fundamentally change the course of our lives and marriages?  

Is changing our “mindset”  and radical self-responsibility, as coaches in the conventional life and business coaching world emphasize, enough to realize our dreams?

Surely, self-reflection, self- responsibility and taking action by learning and using new skills are part of manifesting our dreams, you might say.   And I agree.

While talk, insight, changing your mindset and learning and using new skills are good things, and have their place, I will tell you a truth in this article that others will not say. 

Talk, insight, changing your mindset and learning and using new skills are NOT enough to raise ourselves up to a fundamental new level of love, fulfillment and joy in our personal lives or marriages.   And they never will be. 

So then, what does it really take to manifest your dreams in the real world? 

Find out in this post.

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Is Life a Test, Quest or Heroine’s Journey?

Many people think life is a test; especially those who belong to traditional churches and participate in traditional religious practices.

... The longer I live, and especially the longer I have been committed to a personal spiritual journey of awakening, it seems to me that what life really is, is a quest.    When we go on a quest, just like medieval knights, we go in search of something significant in our lives...

When we begin a quest, we are embarking on a new chapter in our Heroine's Journey...

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Claiming Our Ruby Slippers, Pt. II

When Larry and I moved to Texas, I had no idea why I was being led here.    Yes, the outward reason was for a fabulous job opportunity for my husband; yet I have learned there are always deeper reasons for things at play than we are consciously aware of, as my spiritual path has been revealing for many years now.

But still, Texas?? I asked myself.  (no offense intended to my Texas friends.)  Texas is significantly different in climate and culture than where I am from in Colorado; I had concerns that I could feel at home here...

With this question in my mind and heart, Larry and I went to Austin at the beginning of our first summer here...

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