When Larry and I moved to Texas, I had no idea why I was being led here. Yes, the outward reason was for a fabulous job opportunity for my husband; yet I have learned there are always deeper reasons for things at play than we are consciously aware of, as my spiritual path has been revealing for many years now.
But still, Texas?? I asked myself. (no offense intended to my Texas friends.) Texas is significantly different in climate and culture than Colorado; I had concerns that I could feel at home here. I have lived in the South before, so I know a bit about Southern culture, and the Southern mind set, and love the natural beauty of this region.
Beginning when I lived in Atlanta years ago, I have enjoyed the lifestyle magazine of the South, and had to make a tough choice about all the old issues I had saved when we moved! Yet Texas imparts it's own twang to southernness ~ if y'all know what I mean!
With this question in my mind and heart, Larry and I went to Austin at the beginning of our first summer here. Amidst the unique quirkiness and progressiveness of Austin, the city is also the capital of the state, and so has lots of museums and historical sites. It also has one of the most impressive state capitals in the country.
Messages from Divine Mother Through Texas History
We love museums and cultural sites, so our weekend was filled with learning about the history and story of Texas. Beginning with our tour of the capital, Divine Mother began speaking to me, about why I am here. She showed me something that I had not fully seen before, that Texas and I have in common. From it's earliest days as the Republic of Texas, this state has loved and valued freedom.
To this day, the Alamo in San Antonio is not only an historical site, it is a profoundly moving holy shrine to freedom.
As I was learning about this state's history, and the stories of those who worked so hard for freedom for Texas and for many others since, I began to feel a surprising kinship, and resonance within myself. My own Feminine Spiritual Power was quickened and ran through me in electrical waves of recognition, often bringing me to tears through out the weekend. Divine Mother was whispering to me in her unique voice, because I too, love freedom and want all of us, especially my sisters, to be free.
She whispered to me that I was sent to Texas to claim freedom ~ to claim increased freedom for myself, in some significant ways that I had yet to claim, and to guide and empower other spiritually-awakening women to claim their own freedom.
Divine Mother impressed this answer upon me over and over. She showed me many details about the what and why, in my own life, and she also impressed upon me over and over again, that I am called to be a facilitator for freedom for other women.
Why Is Freedom so Important for Women Now?
Freedom is so important for women now because to claim our ruby slippers [see "Living Water" post], most of us have to claim our freedom first.
Before the state of Texas could claim their political autonomy and power, early Texans had to claim their freedom. The claiming of that freedom required inner work within the state itself, healing relationships and forming coalitions among various groups and factions, so that the outward experience of claiming their freedom was birthed from within.
Divine Mother showed me that we as spiritually-awakening women need the same thing. The first step in claiming our ruby slippers, our innate Feminine Spiritual Power, is to claim our freedom. We have realized huge accomplishments in outward freedom in many ways, since earlier days of women's awakening and empowerment.
The freedom we as women need to seek now is inner emotional and spiritual freedom ~ freedom from inner fears, self-doubt, the internalized voices of critics from the past that replay in our minds, generational cultural programming that every woman has inherited from the cultural soup we live in that teaches a woman on a deeply embedded level that she is not enough, or must hold back, or not shine or share her gifts, or go for her dreams, or doesn't deserve to be happy, or that she is somehow less than or second best, and all the other messages of disempowerment she has learned and taken in because she is a woman.
The Heroine's Journey
Claiming our inner freedom as one of the first steps of claiming our ruby slippers requires the healing of the essential feminine wound that women have experienced because we are born as women. The journey to do so is the Heroine's Journey, and it is the essential journey for today's spiritually awakening women.
When we embark on this journey, we become the heroine in our own lives. The result is freedom to deeply heal and transform our personal lives, freedom to create soul-satisfying love and partnership with our Beloveds, and freedom to fulfill our destinies.
Along the way, we claim our ruby slippers and awaken our own Feminine Spiritual Power. We come home to the Divine within ourselves, and ultimately we are changing the world.
Just as in my experience in moving to Texas, the path of freedom starts with your Heroine's Journey, and sometimes, as I learned, it begins whether we want it to or not.
What about you?
Are you ready for the freedom, fulfillment and flourishing that only taking your Heroine's Journey can bring you? Are you ready to become the heroine in your own life?
(c) June 8, 2014. Debra Brown Gordy MS MRET. All Rights Reserved.