To Our Mothers

Happy Mother & Daughter

In honor of Mother's Day, and honoring our mortal mothers and Divine Mother, I am sharing one of the most sublime pieces of music I have been privileged to participate in for a long time.  The chorale that I sing with sings a broadly diverse repertoire of classical, Broadway, sacred and choral masterworks.  This past fall, we did a program of music, entitled Music By, For and About Women.

Included was the transcendently beautiful arrangement of the 23rd Psalm by Bobbie McFerrin. Dedicated to his mother, the first time I heard it in rehearsal, I was nearly overcome with joy and gratitude, first for my own mothers, and also because I believe it is also a hymn of praise and gratitude to Divine Mother.    

This experience witnessed to me that just like our earthly mother, Divine Mother's presence and sustaining love is everywhere, and can be experienced where ever we are, if we will open ourselves to receive it.  

May you experience the love and blessings of your Mother, eternally spreading a table before you.  Her loving presence is everywhere.  May you experience it again this Mother's Day.

(c) May 4, 2014 Debra Brown Gordy, MS MRET. All Rights Reserved.