Is this the year you will attract your prince? Or instead, will you attract frogs? This can be the year that you meet “Mr. Right”. If you haven’t done so, NOW is the time to set the spiritual and energetic foundation for manifesting your dream marriage.
With every year that passes, the energies of the Earth are polarizing. The dark is getting darker, and the light is getting lighter. In keeping with the universal law of balance or homeostasis, the degree and level of darkness is always balanced with a commensurate and opposite degree and level of light. I have noticed this more than ever in the last year. Have you?
As the spiritual light is increasing and the frequencies of the earth are sustaining more and more light, it is easier than ever to embrace that light, and to create what you want in joy, with grace and ease. This is not just some new age quantum physics mumbo-jumbo, but the real authentic, honest-to-goodness effect of the changes occurring on a planetary level, as a result of the millennial age in which we live. The very Earth herself, in consort with the Heavens wants to assist you to get into the Joy Cycle and create your dream marriage this year.
By the same token, darkness, pain and struggle, especially relationship pain and struggle, is also easier and quicker than ever to bring into physical form. Which will you choose? And more importantly, how do you do that?
The Law of the Harvest
The Law of the Harvest states that whatever we focus on expands, or whatever we send out comes back to us multiplied. The Law of the Harvest or Cause and Effect is ALWAYS working. There are no exceptions; the Law of the Harvest is continually in effect. The Law of the Harvest or Cause and Effect is ALWAYS working! For every person on the planet, including you, every single moment of every single day, the Law of the Harvest is as universal as the Law of Gravity.
When you really comprehend this principle and catch the vision of its power and impact in your life and relationships, you in that moment, will begin to change your life.
The Creative Power of Your Thoughts
It begins, not surprisingly, with your thoughts. Thought is at the beginning of the cycle of creation. Gain conscious control and intentional direction of your thoughts, and you engage the universal process of creation. The process of creation is a natural process, governed by eternal, universal law; and you can learn how to master it. In fact, one of the fundamental reasons we came to this dimension is to learn this (some say remember) in our physical bodies – to teach our physical bodies what our Spirits already know.
Until you understand the process of creation, the world you live in may seem random, as if events and relationships are happening to you, coming from some source outside of you. What is really the case is that either you are not aware of your thoughts and the power they exert in your creations, (especially your unconscious beliefs, or what many call tribal or generational beliefs), you have so much unreleased and unhealed emotional pain, painful memories or trapped trauma and/or unconscious non-serving life beliefs that you are unable to focus emotionally, and thereby direct energy in the way you consciously choose in the physical dimension, or you have not achieved conscious mastery and direction of your thoughts.
Thought directs the limitless, unformed pool of energy in the Universe - the very stuff of Creation. Your thoughts have organizing and directing power, giving the energy of the universe a plan or blueprint, if you will, for organizing your experiences in the physical dimension. This means, there are no accidents. Everything that happens in our lives, happens because on some level, conscious or not, we co-created that experience, by directing energy in cooperation with others that were literally on the “same wavelength” as us.
That concept to some may seem discouraging, but to me it is liberating. When you comprehend the Law of Cause and Effect, it can be to you too. It implies that if I can unconsciously create what I DON’T want, then I can consciously create what I DO want instead!
After understanding and accepting the Law of the Harvest, the next step is to become conscious. Become aware of your thoughts. Wake up. Choose to step out of the unconscious trance-like state that so many spend most of their lives in, and step in to conscious awareness.
What do you think about all the time? What repetitive thoughts, beliefs and feelings go around and around in your brain, and body/mind system? It is easy to see what they are by looking at the results in your life.
What are you experiencing in your relationships? Are you attracting those frogs, or have you attracted Mr. Right?
Step back three steps and imagine you were someone else, and look at your life and relationships from that vantage point ~ what do you see? Are you pleased? Do you feel satisfied, happy and content? Are you thriving in your relationship? If not, then make this year, the year that you begin!
Make a new choice today ~ choose to harness the power of creation ~ begin to take conscious control of your thoughts. You will find the people, situations and circumstances in your life changing.
You will be on the path to attracting your prince!
How do I do that, you ask?
Here are three effective, timeless practices that have been taught from time immemorial for becoming conscious of our thoughts, and harnessing them to co-create the life and relationships we want :
Essential Oils
Healing the deeper, root causes of our challenges; those things that are below the surface of our thoughts, but are foundational drivers of our thoughts.
What these three practices all have in common is assisting us to shift, heal and transform our state, our inner Being. They empower us to be freed from the challenges, pain, problems and difficult experiences we have in life because we are living on this Earth, here to learn from our experiences. They each help us change our state, our inner Being, to be in greater resonance and harmony (another Universal Law!) with what we Desire.
These are timeless esoteric practices of the Feminine Path to fullfillment and your beautiful life and the relationship that will make your heart sign with joy. I have practiced them myself for many years, and believe me, they are much easier, quicker and more graceful than trying to manage. edit. control. every. thought!
If you are ready to attract Mr. Right and co-create the relationship you Desire, or transform your marriage into one with greater emotional fulfillment, closeness and frankly, juicy love, then learn more about how I can empower you to attract and create the relationship that makes your woman's heart sing.
(c) Jan. 9, 2018 Debra Brown Gordy, MS MRET. All Rights Reserved.