Lisa worked with me a few years ago, and has an amazing Heroine’s Journey story of healing trauma in both her life and healing generational trauma that went back many generations for several lines of her family. You can read her Heroine’s Story here.
She contacted me again a year or so ago, after her son tragically and traumatically died from an accidental gunshot wound. Initially, she was devastated, as any mother would be. Her story of this loss is told in the post, “The High Cost of Waiting”.
We worked to heal and release her trauma, and guilt about the accident, and to support her in moving through her grief. We also found a connection and hidden invisible root to another accidental death from a gunshot wound for a family member 4 generations back in one of her family lines. With Lisa as proxy, we guided and released both her son and her great-great-grandfather to heal from the traumas of their accidental deaths, and cross completely into the light. That was a joyous experience for Lisa and her son and great -grand-father!
As we were completing the work, Lisa said, “I feel okay. I now can feel at peace, and go on with my life, knowing I will see my son again. And I can find a new way to connect and interact with him.” (The veil between worlds is very thin for Lisa, and she often communicates with family members who have crossed over.)
I heard from Lisa recently, and with her permission to share, she stated,
“Since we did our last bit of work, the feeling OK has stuck. I really do feel OK most of the time. I am getting a lot of sewing, blogging, writing, and music done and am having fun doing it. I found I could talk to (my son) mentally anytime I wanted, and hear him answer, so we sort of just established new routines. He’s kind of become a guide of sorts. Sometimes I wonder if there is something wrong with me that I’m not a hot mess, not depressed, and can’t relate to those memes that go around on Facebook about living the rest of your life with a giant hole inside. But if you think about it, we live multiple lives with people and we’re not pining away for someone who was our child in 1600. So why should we worry about it when people come in and out of our lives now? We’ll end up with them again anyway…
Now I feel like I’m sort of on a vacation here, and they’re back home doing their thing. When I’ve finally made up all the fabric in my stash (ha ha) I’ll go back and they’ll all be there.
My son explained it this way: that living a life here is kind of like a video game. You join the game with your friends, and go around in the virtual world and do things and have experiences together. If someone dies they go back to the waiting room of the game (I guess a lot of his games worked this way). You can still see your friends playing and can talk to them. Eventually you start another game and you’re all together again. So you’re having experiences, spending time with your friends, and learning things, but it’s just a game. It can’t really hurt you, unless you attach meanings to it that are hurtful to yourself.”
Lisa now has lasting peace, and is deeply happy and fulfilled, She has found a new way to connect with and enjoy her relationship with her son. She is going forward enjoying her life, and fulfilling her Soul purpose, writing a 3- part trilogy to share hope with others, through telling her story of deep healing and transformation from trauma, especially for young adults.
Free and healed from trauma, Lisa is singing the song her Soul is meant to sing.