This is the time in the Wheel of the Year when we begin to plant the “seeds” of our creations that we have been nurturing and germinating through out the winter months. Even for those in Colorado and elsewhere where snow still lays heavy on the ground, the season is beginning to shift. We see signs in early spring bulbs peeking through the snow, and in warmer climates, the daffodils and redbuds are blooming. Spring is coming and we feel the quickening in the Earth and within ourselves.
Can you feel it within yourself? These last 3 months I have been in creatrix mode here in The Sophia Women’s Institute, germinating and nurturing a new offering for the women in my community. I am excited to be sharing it very soon! What have you been germinating and nurturing this winter?
As Spring is fast approaching, it is time to prepare to plant the seeds we have been nurturing these winter months. Following the cycles of the Wheel of the Year is a gracefully empowering, rhythmically in sync Divine Feminine “secret in plain sight” that women have been engaging in since time immemorial. My own mother joyfully followed the seasons, and honored the Wheel of the Year, and perhaps yours did too. For many women who have lost connection with the Earth and themselves, regaining this connection is an important step on their Heroine’s Journey. When we do this, we tap into the deep Feminine core within our own bodies, that is connected with Nature in the most elemental way. Doing this evokes joy for many women they have lost connection with long ago, yet one that is profoundly familiar and deeply empowering when you connect with your Essential Feminine Self this way. For some women, myself included, the closest echo of this joy is the joy of childbirth.
When we combine honoring the seasons through the Wheel of the Year with ritual and ceremony, we have a powerful means of consciously accessing the co-creative process, as Divine Feminine Creatrixes. Some points in the cycle of the Wheel of the Year are especially potent for this connection. Spring Equinox is one of those times.
What seeds will you plant this year?
(c) March 16, 2019 Debra Brown Gordy, MS MRET. All Rights Reserved.