A Solstice Blessing

Chalice Well Winter Solstice 2018 III.jpg

Our Winter Solstice Circle was Monday, on the day of Solstice itself. It was especially auspicious to hold then, with all that was potentized on this Solstice.

The insights and symbolism from the energetic influences of the heavens were so enlightening and heartening to learn! That is one of the reasons that I love studying the energetic influences of the heavenly bodies. Learning this ancient system of knowledge and wisdom is a powerful resource for living consciously and with intention, as we learn to embody our Sovereign Feminine Souls, claim our Feminine Spiritual Power, heal and transform our lives, and then create the fulfilling, thriving lives we desire, and magnify our highest work in the world.

In the Circle, we talked about the themes of deep healing and releases that this year has opened, and for many, propelled us through, and that our own choices, or personal agency ~ how we choose to use our Feminine Spiritual Power ~ is critical in navigating through and beyond seasons such as these.

While I did not mention it during the Circle, this is all amplified and supported by this season of the year, meaning the season on the Wheel of the Year; the time between Samhain and Imbolc, October 31 - Feb. 2. This is intended by nature to be a time of deep rest and rejuvenation. This is a time in agricultural cultures, when harvests are completed, fields are prepared for winter and allowed to rest. In these cultures, there is a turning inward, and a drawing homeward. People as well as the land and animals rest, rejuvenate and rebuild personal stores of energy and vitality for the coming year.

This is also the time of Shadow Season; the time when those deep things which are hidden, but need to be healed, can more easily come to light. Pallas is a strong influence during Shadow Season. Having time, energy, space, and privacy to do so is the deeper and higher-octave gift and opportunity from honoring Solstice and the Wheel of the Year.

In a way, all of 2020 was a Shadow Season Year. While 2021 will open with a new pattern and energetic influences in the heavens, and new energy, the need to engage with and do the shadow work that is necessary for your Soul healing and growth, carries forward. So if your personal work is not yet complete, you may still engage with and receive the miracles that open in this deep healing season, this coming year.

I wrote a blog post about this last year at the beginning Shadow Season, which you can read below:


As we approach closing this year, I hope you'll do intentionally. Review your year; What has really taken place for you? What have you completed? How have you grown? How have you healed? What is still before you? Who are you becoming? What do you discern yet still needs to be healed and transformed, so you can embody your Highest Self, and Sovereign Feminine Soul, and create the life, relationships and work in the world that you are meant for?

As we close this most amazing year, I leave you a blessing to lift your heart, light your path, encourage and empower you on your Journey. May it truly bless you through the rest of this year, and through out your beginning of a brand new age.

Solstice Blessing

Strength, personal power, boundaries, discernment, wisdom and support in the midst of a very busy holiday season and ending of the year.

Time and space for stillness, for quiet, for deep listening within to the calling and needs of your Soul.

Deep rest, and courage, that you will listen and do what your Soul is calling you to do in the coming New Year, to fulfill your part in birthing this brand new age opening before us.

Certain knowledge that you have been preparing for eons and are here now, for just such a time as this.

And through it all, the love of the Divine and peace, knowing you are intimately known, called to do a Great Work, and so very, very deeply loved.

(c) December 2020. All Right Reserved.