Healing in the Light of the Moon

Pink Super Full Moon in Scorpio

Heather* called, obviously upset. She sounded discouraged, frightened, and shocked. She was at a medical facility receiving care for a recent injury. Quite out of the blue, she’d had a conflict, with someone she cares about, having learned that they were still seeing someone else, when Heather thought their relationship was exclusive. She felt shocked, stunned, lied to, strung along, and profoundly deeply betrayed, hurt, and angry. She was so upset, that she bolted out of the room and into another one. In her upset, she unintentionally hurt herself.

When she called me a day later, she was still shocked, stunned and terribly upset. Now in addition to the loss of a relationship and person who was important to her, she had the added shock and trauma of her injury, and how it happened. She felt devastated, and so extremely disappointed in herself.

As we talked, it became clear that what was touched off for Heather that day, was much more, much deeper, than learning that a dating relationship was not exclusive – as painful as that is. What was evoked for Heather was a core wound. Heather has experienced childhood trauma and other relationship loss in her life, including the divorce of her parents when she was young and the early death of her father. She is extremely resilient, highly intelligent, and academically brilliant, and profoundly committed to her own growth and healing, as attested by her commitment to personal growth work, therapy and participation in recovery. By others’ observations, and her own searching and honest self-evaluation, Heather is doing well, which is one of the reasons she was so shocked by the depth of her emotional reaction to the conflict with her girlfriend.

“Where did this come from? Why did it happen? Why now?”

As we talked, Heather could see that something deep inside her, a primary core wound she had not been in touch with before, had been activated. And as we talked, I shared with her this observation from over 30 years of facilitating the deep healing work that I do:

Core wounds such as hers become illuminated when, according to our Soul’s timing, it’s time to see and heal them.

All the personal healing work and therapy that Heather has done over the last few years, has prepared her for the Soul Work of healing this core wound.

Core wounds become illuminated when its time to see and heal them.

Soul Work With the Support of the Heavens

The heavens themselves support us in this. When we understand the subtle energy influences of the heavenly bodies, and “learn to understand [their] times and seasons” and how they are organized to impact us personally, we can see how intimately and personally we are cared for and supported.1

One of these heavenly times and seasons of extra support on our Heroine’s Journeys is the time of the Full Moon. Grounded in astrophysics, multiple research studies demonstrate the impact of the moon’s lunar cycles on women’s sleep, hormones, fertility and sexual energy, conception, and birth, as well as the migratory patterns of birds and animals, and even the ebb and flow of the tides. The Moon’s gravitational pull is a counterbalance to the Sun’s, keeping the Earth in her orbit.

The heavenly bodies, including the Moon, also affect us energetically. As an astrologer friend and colleague says, “A full moon illuminates, and culminates our awareness, usually through outer circumstantial stressors that are brought to light. Sometimes we could use these stressors to motivate us, sometimes we can let them crush us.” 2

This week’s super full moon in Scorpio was just such a Full Moon.

Another astrologer colleague says, “This Super Full Moon in Scorpio will be challenging us out of our comfort zones … nudging us gently or not so gently out of our patterns to remind us that cocoons can serve as places of comfort, alongside healthy habits and routines. They are also meant as points of transformation and that in order to change and grow, we have to be willing to leave them behind and cross the veil into the unknown.”3.

A Full Moon in Scorpio illuminates what is hidden deep within us, in the depth of the Shadow side of ourselves. They are full of intensity, mystery, and emotions. They bring us face to face with what we do not see, often our biggest wounds or biggest fears. Scorpio full moons help us see the hidden root causes of issues, dynamics, patterns and traumas in our lives, and previous generations. Astrologer Lynn Koiner, describes full moons that are extra close to Earth – Super Moons, as this one was – as Crisis Moons, because they can bring out intense experiences, where we feel triggered or experience things to extremes.

Scorpio full moons invite us to see what we have been hiding, trying to avoid, or continuing with, even if it no longer serves us. And this Super Full Moon in Scorpio really wants us to see it! They invite us to see and acknowledge our fears and shadow side. The Full Moon in Scorpio is the great illuminater of the dark, and gateway to the Soul Work of profound healing, purification, and ultimately renewal and rebirth.

Yet with all its power, mystery and intensity, the Scorpio Full Moon is a potent, often intense invitation, not dictum. How it is played out is grounded in our own choices and agency; this is what makes the difference in outcome. This is why learning to consciously see, and understand the patterns and subtle energy influences of the movements of the heavenly bodies is so important; doing so empowers us to choose consciously, and work with the energy intentionally. It is divinely intended, that the “Soul rules the chart”, as I was taught years ago by a mentor. Do we claim and use our Feminine Spiritual Power and respond consciously, and choose the higher path of a full moon’s expression? With Scorpio Full Moons, particularly, do we accept the invitation to face the shadow within ourselves, and do the deep healing work that is evoked? Do we choose to engage with and do the Soul Work that will yield for us the transformation, renewal and rebirth, and freedom that we hunger for? This is ultimately the gift that a Scorpio Full Moon offers us. And it is up to us to accept the gift, by how we respond to the invitation.

Heather and I talked about all these things and more when she called. As we did, her energy shifted, and the light, hope, belief and faith in her own power and ability for healing and deep transformation was re-energized. Thankfully and joyfully, Heather has said yes and is already committed and engaged in doing her inner healing Soul Work, that was evoked in the light of the full moon in Scorpio.

What about you? Is the Full Moon inviting you into a season of Soul Work? Of deep healing, growth, renewal, and rebirth? If you would like to learn about how I can assist you on your Heroine’s Journey by healing core wounds, so that you can claim your birthright for joy, soul-satisfying love, and highest level full Self-expression, then I warmly invite you to learn about SOULShift ~ the Healing that Changes Everything.

Just as for Heather, freedom awaits and can be yours, too. The shift your Soul hungers for is available. Learn more here.

* Name changed for privacy.

1. Syl Carson. Bodhi Yoga, and developer of Soul Weather™ Astrology
2. Ibid.
3. Vanessa Corazon. 2021 Moonsight Lunar Calendar.